how come i can't access the aws polly that should have been granted to my iam's user group permissions


my friend is paying for amazon polly but he's trying to give me access through an iam user, he created an iam for me to be able to login, which we've done. i am now able to login to aws console using the iam user credentials, even changed the password but i still dont have access to the aws polly product: getting this error:

You don't have the IAM permissions necessary to perform this operation. Learn more about permissions.

he added me to a user group with the polly full access and s3 full access

it was suggested from the community aws discord to visit cloudtrail to see if there is some specific permission that generating the error, but when my friend visits this products page and clicks on event history it just lists out records of my iam user logging in, and nothing about me trying to access the aws polly product or s3

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

figured it out, it was being restricted by a permission boundary that we were fiddling with when trying to grant permissions

answered a year ago


If I grant temporary Administrator access, will I be able to access it?
Also, have you attached the policy to the correct IAM group?
I have confirmed that I can operate Amazon Polly in my environment by logging in with an IAM group configured for "AmazonPollyFullAccess".

profile picture
answered a year ago
  • ty for helping :)

    we just tried your suggestion of giving both my iam a direct administrator access and to the user group so when i checks my user through the iam console it says my iam user has administrator access both directly and the through group but same issue

    he only has created one user group so I doubt it is wrong. but i can't verify it through my iam's access perissions, although it does say that i should have it from his end

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