Is there any way to find out the date of joining an account into an organisation?


Is there any way to find out the date of joining an account in an organisation? I cannot find any Cloud Trail event even in the time period I'm sure it happened. I need to verify the date somehow to resolve a billing issue.

2 Answers

You can find this informatio simply within the AWS Console, search for the AWS Organization service and check the account properties like this:

Enter image description here

profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 10 months ago
  • I cannot see any AWS accounts even though I'm logged in as a root user. The only thing I can see is: "We couldn't load AWS accounts. You don't have permissions to see this resource, because the management account has not granted you the permissions to view accounts."

    Is it possible that the Organisation the account is connected with disabled the permission for me?


Per Docs: All AWS Organizations actions are logged by CloudTrail and are documented in the AWS Organizations API Reference. For example, calls to CreateAccount (including the CreateAccountResult event), ListHandshakesForAccount, CreatePolicy, and InviteAccountToOrganization generate entries in the CloudTrail log files.

CloudTrail keeps a record of events for 90 days unless if you "create an event data store or a trail."

Anesu M
answered 10 months ago
  • I tried to search in the CloudTrail, but there is no event with any of the names mentioned. Can it be related to the fact I can see only "We couldn't load AWS accounts. You don't have permissions to see this resource, because the management account has not granted you the permissions to view accounts." in the "AWS Organizations => AWS accounts" page?

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