AWS Glue Git integration miss tags



An AWS Glue job JSON code on an AWS CodeCommit repository created by AWS Glue Git integration feature doesn't contain tags property. So, a new Glue job created with the JSON code needs to be set tags later.

  1. Why is the feature exclude tags property?

  2. How can I set tags on many Glue jobs efficiently?

Thank you.

asked a year ago254 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hello, I understand that when you tried to pull the job details from the CodeCommit, it was not fetching the associated tags with it.

I have replicated this behaviour on my end and I could see that when the job details were pushed, the corresponding json file of the glue job did not have the tags in it. Therefore, as per the current mechanism of version control in Git seems like the data pertaining to tags is not pushed to the git repository.

You will have to manually add the tags to your Glue jobs. If the number of jobs is more then you can write a simple script involving boto3 where in you can recursively get the name of each job from batch_get_jobs and then make a tag_resource api call.

The batch_get_jobs api call will fetch all the jobs of your account and you can store this in a variable. Once that is done, you can run a loop to recursively tag the jobs using tag_resource api call. You can get the usage using the documentation I have provided earlier.

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answered a year ago
  • Thank you for your answer and instruction. I will use tag_resource API call for now. Is there any chance that tags will also be pushed to a repository in the near future?

  • I currently do not see any feature request to implement this but please keep an eye on the to know more about the latest updates on the AWS services.

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