Beanstalk create new env wizard broken step 2? "t1.micro not available..."


I'm trying to create a new environment for an existing app, to upgrade a retired platform. US-East region.

At step 1 Configure environment, I choose:

  • Web server environment
  • Managed platform
  • Platform - PHP 8 - 3.5.9
  • High availability

Step 2 Configure service access

  • (Default) Service role, Use an existing service role, aws-elasticbeanstalk-service-role
  • EC2 key pair (the existing key pair from the retired platform)
  • EC2 instance profile aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role

Pressing NEXT, I get 2 errors:

Invalid option specification (Namespace: 'aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration', OptionName: 'InstanceType'): Your selected instance types (t3.micro) aren't available in your selected VPC Subnets. t3.micro is available in [us-east-1a, us-east-1b, us-east-1d, us-east-1e, us-east-1f]. Please check your VPC Subnets.

Invalid option specification (Namespace: 'aws:ec2:instances', OptionName: 'InstanceTypes'): Your selected instance types (t3.micro) aren't available in your selected VPC Subnets. t3.micro is available in [us-east-1a, us-east-1b, us-east-1d, us-east-1e, us-east-1f]. Please check your VPC Subnets.

Does anyone know what is going wrong? I am not given a choice about the instance type, but the existing env uses t3.small which should be fine.

Is this just broken for the High Availability default, and Custom would work?

asked 10 months ago200 views
1 Answer


In order to help with regard to the issue , I tried to replicate the use case at my end by creating an Elastic Beanstalk environment in the us-east-1 region having all the subnets selected in the VPC configuration and was able to observe the same Invalid option specification error message.

Please note when you try to create environment by default environment will pick instance type t3.micro and t2.small later you can make configuration changes in further steps.

Now to check availability zones that are currently supporting t3.micro instance type I used the below mentioned command .For more details please refer this [1] .

$ aws ec2 describe-instance-type-offerings --location-type availability-zone --filters Name=instance-type,Values=t3.micro --region us-east-1 --output table

| DescribeInstanceTypeOfferings | +-----------------------------------------------------+ || InstanceTypeOfferings || |+--------------+--------------+---------------------+| || InstanceType | Location | LocationType || |+--------------+--------------+---------------------+| || t3.micro | us-east-1f | availability-zone || || t3.micro | us-east-1d | availability-zone || || t3.micro | us-east-1c | availability-zone || || t3.micro | us-east-1b | availability-zone || || t3.micro | us-east-1a | availability-zone || |+--------------+--------------+---------------------+|

From the above output I can observe that t3.micro instance type is currently not supported for the ‘us-east-1e’ availability zone which might be actually resulting in error.

========== Suggestion to resolve this issue :

In prevent this error happening during new environment creation on Elastic Beanstalk running on free tier instance type in us-east-1 region please Omit us-east-1e for t3.micro.

If you want to stick with t3.micro instance type you should avoid selecting subnets in Availability zone us-east-1e for running instances

I hope the above information serves you well. Meanwhile, if you have any extended questions or concerns please feel free to write back to me with the query/error you might be facing. I will be glad to assist you further.

Thank you and have a great day ahead!



profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago
  • Thanks for the helpful info. The console create environment wizard seems to be broken if you pick High Availability because it applies the server type check before it gives you a chance to pick the server type. The work-around I found is to use the "custom" type which is more work but lets me pick the t3.small.

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