WorkDoc Activity Feed limit of 50?


How can I download all activity (views, downloads, etc) on a WorkDoc, not just the last 50 actions? Here's what I've done: view a WorkDoc, choose Actions > More > Show Activity > Export, to get a downloaded file, but it only contains the last 50 (ie, ActivityTime, ActivityType, InitiatorActorName, etc). I need to analyze all activity on a WorkDoc. Can you please advise if I need to change settings, or if there's any other way to analyze all activity besides manually counting what I see from "Show Activity"? Thanks so much!

asked a year ago292 views
1 Answer

I would check out the AWS CLI which is a powerful command line tool that can provide you with more options. Here is a link which documents the possibilities for advanced querying of work doc history:

To get started with the AWS CLI, check out this page:

Hope this helps, if it does please accept this answer

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answered a year ago

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