Problem with Amazon API


Hello! I'm having a problem with my API.

I've been researching because within my AAWP plugin I got a bug of not presenting the bestseller products (list), but the funny thing is that other blocks of the same plugin did.

I started researching and when I updated my plugin connection with AAWP I got the error "TooManyRequests: The request was denied due to request throttling. Please verify the number of requests made per second to the Amazon Product Advertising API."

Dejé esperar un tiempo pero no funcionaba por lo que fui a la página oficial de amazon "AWS Scratchpad de Amazon" para comprobar que mi API funcionaba, al hacer la comprobación me aparece el aviso:

"¡Error! TooManyRequests La solicitud se ha denegado debido a una limitación de solicitudes. Comprueba el número de solicitudes realizadas por segundo a la API de publicidad de productos de Amazon."

¿Cómo puedo solucionar esto?

I let it wait for a while but it didn't work so I went to the official amazon page "Amazon AWS Scratchpad" to check that my API worked, when I did the check I got the warning:

"Mistake! TooManyRequests request was denied due to a request throttling. Check the number of requests made per second to the Amazon Product Advertising API."

How can I fix this?

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