IOT Twinmaker scene not loading in AWS managed Grafana


The scenes i create in IOT Twinmaker is not loading in Grafana panel. Getting the below error. Able to connect to twinmaker workspace and list all the scenes, but its not loading.

Enter image description here

Additional points to note:

  • I can create other timeseries charts from the same twinmaker workspace. so the connection to workspace is fine.
  • The same twinmaker scene is getting loaded in my local grafana instance. Its not loading only in the AWS managed grafana instance.
asked 10 months ago314 views
1 Answer

Hi, even I was facing this issue and I found the solution to resolve it. You need to degrade Twinmaker plugin version to 1.9.0 in Grafana. This method worked for me. If it works for you as well then please give a confirmation it will help others.

answered 10 months ago
  • Great, this fixed my issue. Thanks Abhishek.

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