"free tier" instances exceeded 85% of 1 GB


So today I received an email that says "Your AWS account XXXX has exceeded 85% of the usage limit for one or more AWS Free Tier-eligible services for October." Email

but according to **Amazon ** "AWS customers receive 100GB of data transfer out to the internet free each month, aggregated across all AWS Services and Regions (except China and GovCloud). The 100 GB free tier for data transfer out to the internet is global and does not apply separately or individually to AWS Regions." Here is the link https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/pricing/on-demand/?nc1=h_ls

Can anyone explain this to me? Thanks. EDIT: Enter image description here

asked a year ago641 views
3 Answers

Data Transfer from AWS Regions to the Internet is now free for up to 100 GB of data per month (up from 1 GB per region). But Here is Mentioned that 1 GB per Month Per Region.


answered a year ago
  • Newbie HERE. Could you kindly provide a more detailed explanation?


Data transfer is depend on what services you are using. AWS Free Tier Data Transfer Expansion – 100 GB From Regions and 1 TB From Amazon CloudFront Per Month. Data Transfer from AWS Regions to the Internet is free for up to 100 GB of data per month and up from 1 GB per region in case AWS of EC2, S3 or Load Balancing. but Data Transfer from Amazon CloudFront is free for up to 1 TB of data per month (up from 50 GB), and is no longer limited to the first 12 months after signup.


answered a year ago
profile picture
reviewed a year ago
  • Ok now i get it, so typically you can't use the 100gb in one region. I really appreciate your support ,Thanks.



This message is just a warning that you're getting close to the free tier limit of 100GB.

The goal is to prevent transfer costs being automatically charged if you go over the free-tier limit. So, this message should trigger actions from your side to reduce the trafic in order to avoid being charged (if you can do so)



profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • But as you can see the new photo that I upload says I only have 1 GB ?

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