Placement Groups Latency


Are there any SLAs on latency between nodes in a placement group?

asked 2 days ago18 views
1 Answer

While AWS does not provide specific Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for latency between nodes in a placement group, placement groups are designed to offer significant latency benefits for workloads that require low-latency, high-throughput network communication between instances.

Placement groups, particularly cluster placement groups, provide a logical grouping of instances within a single Availability Zone to decrease latency and improve network performance. When using placement groups with supported instance types and an Elastic Network Adapter (ENA), workloads can participate in a low-latency, reduced jitter 25 Gbps network.

For high-performance computing (HPC) workloads, cluster placement groups offer non-blocking and non-oversubscribed connectivity, including full bisection bandwidth between instances. This is especially beneficial for large, tightly coupled applications that require low latency between compute nodes.

While AWS doesn't guarantee specific latency numbers, the use of placement groups is recommended for workloads that benefit from low network latency and high network throughput. For even better performance in HPC scenarios, technologies like Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) can be used in conjunction with placement groups to achieve lower and more consistent latency.

It's important to note that while placement groups significantly reduce latency, the actual latency experienced can vary based on factors such as instance types, network load, and specific workload characteristics. For precise latency measurements between instances, you can use network performance testing tools to evaluate the actual performance in your specific use case.
PERF04-BP06 Choose your workload's location based on network requirements - AWS Well-Architected Framework
Networking - High Performance Computing Lens
PERF04-BP06 Choose your workload's location based on network requirements - AWS Well-Architected Framework

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