AWS IoT Topic Rule Empty JSON Array BUG



I think i've encountered a bug within the IoT Core topic rules. We have the following topic which invokes a lambda:

In our topic rule we've defined the following statement:
"SELECT *, topic(1) as machineId FROM '+/select'"

Then we send the following mqtt message to the topic:

However, when we get the event in the lambda the array is empty so the event looks as follows:

How can we make it that the slots array isn't emptied?

Thank you

asked 4 years ago481 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer


I've encountered the same problem with an IOT rule created with CloudFormation which set the sql version to "SQL version 2015-10-08".
Editing the IOT rule and selecting "SQL version 2016-03-23" resolved it.


answered 4 years ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

Hello Inspiro,
Thank you for reaching out!
I think maybe you missed quotes around
I created a rule with the sql you provided, and when I published the following payload, my lambda received the correct event.


lambda logged:
"slots": "",
"session-id": "abcd",
"machineId": "12345"

Hope it helps.

answered 4 years ago

Hello XinYiAtAWS ,

Thank you for your response.

I see now that i've made a typo in my question. The mqtt body i send is as follows:

Where the slots array is filled with integers. (Aparantly aws forums changes my array of integers to a link)

When we the topic rule is executed i receive the following event in the lambda.
Here i need the integers in the array just as with the request above.

Do you know what the problem could be?

Edited by: Inspiro on Oct 5, 2020 12:35 AM

answered 4 years ago

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