Can't find existing lightsail instance


I have a wordpres site I set up a while ago in Lightsailbut when I log into the lightsail console it says I have no instances. How do I find the lightsail instance? - I have the public IP address of the instance and the Wordpress site is still running so it's not been deleted.

asked 2 years ago294 views
2 Answers


If you do not see the Lightsail instance in the console, you may be logged into the wrong account or the user you're logged into does not have the correct IAM permissions to see the Lightsail instances.

Ensure you have the correct permissions and that you're logged into the right account. Lightsail should show you all instances across all regions from the single console.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

Thank you for the reply - I've tried all of the AWS accounts I have (in case I was logged into another account and didn't realise) but I can't see the lightsail instance in any of them - I am the root user in all the accounts and have made sure I have lightsail perms - is there a way I can find out what account the lightsail instance is associated with?

answered 2 years ago

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