Deleted nat gateway and EIPs are still showed. Why?


We were using 3 NAT Gateways (and so we also were allocation 3 EIps).

We deleted EIPs and NATs from cloud formation template. Update went well.

In the NAT Gateways page of AWS console, we can still see our NATS. Ok, they are in state 'Deleted' but we can still see associated public ipv4 addresses (we also deleted them, as statet before)

Is there anything should we do to avoid billings for nats and ips? Or is it only a matter of time before AWS really 'frees' and 'deletes' the resources?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer


You will not be charged if the NAT Gateway and ElasitcIP have been deleted.
Also, even if you delete the NAT Gateway, it may remain displayed on the console for an hour.
I don't think you will be charged if the status is "Deleted".

Note: The NAT gateway entry might remain visible in the Amazon VPC console for an hour after removal.

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answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

AWS generally processes deletions asynchronously, so it might take some time before the resources are completely removed from your account. During this time, you might still see them in the console with a status of "Deleted" or similar. As long as you've received confirmation of their deletion and you no longer see them listed as active resources in your account, you shouldn't incur any additional charges.

answered 8 months ago

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