My EC2 Instance reachability check failed


Hi, My instance is on Tokyo running Ubuntu 18 with Apache2 web server, recently got "Instance reachability check failed" without reason. (The CPU, Network is under average useage according to the record) Anyone knows any leads to solve this?


asked 2 years ago382 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Sounds like a problem with the underlying host. You need to stop and start (NOT Reboot) the instance. Then it will get a new host.

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answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks! This issue can be solved by 'stop' and 'start' or 'reboot' instance. Any possible reasons to cuase this issue, how can I optimize my instance to prevent this issue?

  • I'm not sure if you can. A Kernal panic can cause it, so if you avoid that, you have done everything you can. This is just a risk you take when hosting applications (anywhere, not just on AWS). You can mitigate the issue with Instance recovery or other monitoring options.

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