Issues of AWS Glue Git integration



I've encountered the following errors on AWS Glue Git integration feature in AWS Glue Studio.

Does anyone know the cause of the errors?

I suspect these are bugs of AWS Glue Studio.

  1. Folder is not optional

    When I tried 'Push to repository' with 'Folder - optional' box of Version Control tab on AWS Glue Job page in AWS Glue Studio empty, the error below occurred.

     "Unable to push job JOB_NAME to AWS Code Commit at REPOSITORY/BRANCH. Expected string length >= 1, but found 0 for params.JobUpdate.SourceControlDetails.Folder."

    (JOB_NAME, REPOSITORY and BRANCH are changed.)

    (A few months ago, Push to repository action has completed successfully without a folder input.)

  2. Cannot pull from repository

    The error below occurred when I tried 'Pull from repository'. (My steps: 1. Create a new job. 2. Fill a job name. 3. Fill version control information. 4. Select 'Pull from repository' action.)

     "Unable to pull job JOB_NAME from AWS Code Commit at REPOSITORY/BRANCH. Unable to create job with name JOB_NAME."

    (JOB_NAME, REPOSITORY and BRANCH are changed.)

    (A few months ago, Pull from repository action has completed successfully with the same steps as above. The contents of the Glue job JSON file that is created automatically by Git integration feature are changed recently.)

  • These issues occur in the Tokyo(ap-northeast-1) region. The second issue occur when using a JSON code which is created from a resource in the Tokyo region, but a JSON code created a few months ago in the same region is OK.

    1. AWS Glue service was updated, and the problem has been resolved.

    2. If I try to Pull from repository on a Glue job with security configuration, an error occurs. AWS KMS keys and Glue security configuration the job use exist. I don't know what is the cause.

    1. It is cross region migration, and I had set wrong AWS KMS keys. I corrected the keys, and the Glue job has been pulled from repository successfully.
asked a year ago975 views
1 Answer

Hello - With AWS Code Commit I'm able to reproduce this issue with regards to committing changes without specifying the Folder Name. It does appear that the folder name is required. I suspect that's a hard requirement, but will verify whether or not it can remain optional.

I'm able to reproduce the second issue as well with new jobs (not with existing ones).

Thanks for bringing this up. In the interim - to work around it, I'd recommend adding a Folder name.

answered a year ago
  • I cannot reproduce it, it uses as a folder the job name as usual. I've used CodeCommit. Can you share the detailed steps and region you are using?

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