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Lightsail/Wordpress instance: Changing file permissions for Wordpress


Developer asked me for the following:

Please allow the read and write permission to theme folder for access. /bitnami/wordpress/wp-content/themes/Divi/archive-hall_of_fames.php: open for write: permission denied

How do I change this via the command line?

asked 10 months ago374 views
1 Answer


Is it possible to connect to Lightsail with SSH?
Please check the following document for information on how to connect to Lightsail with SSH.

Once the connection is established, try running the following command.
You can grant read permission to the file "archive-hall_of_fames.php" by executing the following command.
If you do not have enough privileges, you can give them privileges by changing the number in the "775" part.

sudo chmod 775 /bitnami/wordpress/wp-content/messages/Divi/archive-hall_of_fames.php
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answered 10 months ago

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