AWS Lambda UnknownError when go to Functions section and create Function


Hi All, I was having a lambda function to generate Thumbnail. But this was deletd recently which I could not see. I got Email from AWS regarding this Deletion saying the Node.js 16 used is no more support available. But now when I try to create New Function with latest Runtime or even when I visit Lambda Functions section itself throwing "UnknownError" Rama

asked 7 months ago226 views
1 Answer


Does the IAM user you are using have the necessary IAM policies attached to operate Lambda?
Also, if your AWS account is managed by Organizations, please check that Lambda operations are not prohibited by SCP.

There may also be a problem with your AWS account.
Therefore, please contact AWS Support by opening a case under "Account and billing".
Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge.

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answered 7 months ago

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