Mismatch between nginx and nginx-mod-http-geoip in @amzn2extra-nginx1 repos


We rely on @amzn2extra-nginx1 to keep nginx up to date on our amzn2 EC2 instance.

A week ago, most nginx packages, including core, have been updated to the 1.22 version, as shown from yum list

nginx.x86_64     1:1.22.0-1.amzn2.0.1    amzn2extra-nginx1

However, the GEOIP module is stuck at the previous version 1.20, as shown from yum list

nginx-mod-http-geoip.x86_64   1:1.20.0-2.amzn2.0.5   amzn2extra-nginx1

Is this the correct place to flag this, or are there dedicated resources to flag repo-related issues? Tried googling but couldn't find a better place than this one.

  • I'm having the same issue, I'm thinking on removing the module, although not sure what might break. Also thought of compiling but was waiting to see if the package was updated.

  • I have the same problem, had to go back to 1.20 as well.

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asked 2 years ago761 views
4 Answers
Accepted Answer

1.22.0 is finally available

nginx-mod-http-geoip.x86_64                                1:1.22.0-1.amzn2.0.2                                amzn2extra-nginx1
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answered 2 years ago

The relevant team is aware of this one. For now I would recommend that you downgrade / lock NGINX and the additional modules to version 1.20.0.

answered 2 years ago
  • Where can I find instructions for downgrading? Or what would be the best approach? uninstall and reinstall?

  • @Juan if you already upgraded some modules and you have a version mismatch, you can downgrade with something like

    yum downgrade nginx-all-modules-1.20.0-2.amzn2.0.5 nginx-mod-http-image-filter-1.20.0-2.amzn2.0.5 nginx-mod-http-perl-1.20.0-2.amzn2.0.5 nginx-mod-http-xslt-filter-1.20.0-2.amzn2.0.5 nginx-mod-mail-1.20.0-2.amzn2.0.5 nginx-mod-stream-1.20.0-2.amzn2.0.5 nginx-1.20.0-2.amzn2.0.5 nginx-filesystem-1.20.0-2.amzn2.0.5 nginx-core-1:1.20.0-2.amzn2.0.5

  • thanks @gimucco I tried something similar: yum downgrade nginx nginx-core nginx-mod-stream nginx-mod-http-perl nginx-mod-http-image-filter nginx-mod-mail nginx-mod-http-xslt-filter ninx-all-modules

    But ended with this error (maybe not specifying the version was my mistake): Transaction check error: file /etc/logrotate.d/nginx from install of nginx-1:1.20.0-2.amzn2.0.5.x86_64 conflicts with file from package nginx-core-1:1.22.0-1.amzn2.0.1.x86_64 file /usr/sbin/nginx from install of nginx-1:1.20.0-2.amzn2.0.5.x86_64 conflicts with file from package nginx-core-1:1.22.0-1.amzn2.0.1.x86_64 file /etc/nginx/mime.types from install of nginx-1:1.20.0-2.amzn2.0.5.x86_64 conflicts with file from package nginx-core-1:1.22.0-1.amzn2.0.1.x86_64 file /etc/nginx/mime.types.default from install of nginx-1:1.20.0-2.amzn2.0.5.x86_64 conflicts with file from package nginx-core-1:1.22.0-1.amzn2.0.1.x86_64

    so in the end I used yum history

    and then undo the last update yum history undo 101

    and updated all but nginx yum update --exclude=nginx*


@forkfork any news on this? it's been a month with a mismatched version. Can we help the team working on this in any way? Submitting a compiled RPM?

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answered 2 years ago

still with the problem, in my case I did not rollback to 1.20 due "nginx-core" was not found... or maybe was introduced on 1.22?

answered 2 years ago

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