AWS torch-neuron error


Hi, all.
I am trying to deploy a pytorch model to inf1 instances.
But I am unable to use torch.neuron to trace and compile the model.

Thanks for any help..

asked 3 years ago421 views
3 Answers

Great to hear that you're giving inf1 a try! Do you mind providing more details about the model and the errors that are printed when you tried to compile? Is this post the same issue as this one: ?

In case it's helpful, we have a quickstart page dedicated to pytorch on our documentation site (here) There's links to tutorials, troubleshooting guides, and more from that initial link.

answered 3 years ago

I responded in the "sagemaker" issue referenced above. Please confirm that his is indeed the same issue.
Thank you

answered 3 years ago


answered 3 years ago

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