Pending verification workmail/ses route53


Hi I have a domain on Route53 "" I want a email address in the format so I decided to use workmail to get it. Workmail can autopopulate all the necessary records like the TXT record in Route53 and when I checked it correctly put them there. I tried to set it up 2 days ago and it was stuck on pending verification. It was still stuck on pending verification today so I deleted the domain and tried again with SES this time but its still stuck on pending verification for 5 hours. I watched a youtube video and the guy in the video got past pending verification stage in 5 minutes. I have the correct TXT, MX, and CNAME records in Route 53 with the correct values. I got this domain from Route 53 on May 21

I tried the troubleshooting page and it told me to use nslookup but it says nonexistent domain.

If I delete all the records and try to do auto setup again I get this error:
Automatic configuration is not available because this domain's publicly-registered name servers do not point to your hosted zone in Route 53.

It has been more than 72 hours since I got the domain on Route53

Tried to manually add the TXT record as well and wait it still didn't work

This is what nslookup shows

nslookup -type=TXT
Server: redacted
Address: redacted

*** Redacted can't find Non-existent domain

Edited by: jptboy on May 24, 2021 6:03 PM

Edit: My colleague changed the DNS provider from Route53 to netlify causing this. I didnt know about it

Edited by: jptboy on May 24, 2021 6:26 PM

asked 3 years ago416 views
1 Answer

Colleague did something without me knowing

answered 3 years ago

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