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I have a Spring Boot Java application that consumes messages from an Amazon SQS FIFO queue using the @SQSListener annotation. My consumer is multi-threaded, and I have maxConcurrentMessages set to 5,...
I am creating a python lambda with lambda layer for the opensearch module dependency.
Locally, I pip installed opensearch-py into lambdalayerstuff/opensearchpyFolder
Here's my CDK code:
We use ECS Fargate for hosting customer application, from time to time we see Fargate apps restarted from aws ecs maintenance events
We want to create an Event Bridge Rule to capture the 14 day...
I have AWS lightsail. I use Sqlite3 to fetch some data from AWS to my frontend (siteground).
However, i keep getting the error:
*Access to fetch at...
There is a bug in the AWS Builder ID sign up, on the second step it asked two fields.
I can't remember the first field, but the second field asked me which region I want to use. I didn't select...
tsql: exec msdb.dbo.rds_restore_database...
We are using canary to try and hit an API endpoint through proxy. The connection requires mTLS therefore we provide a key and and certificate as part of the code. We've captured the traffic and we...
error caused when i origin my backend and my backend return code 500
if it doesn't set origin it return check ok and response 200
what can i do for my ELB turn serve to ok
1/What is the code trying to achieve?
I am trying to integrate my DLT-registered Sender ID, Entity ID, and Template ID with AWS SNS and Cognito in India to send OTP SMS for user authentication and MFA...
Hello AWS Community,
I recently upgraded my AWS Support plan from Basic to Business Support. It's been 3-4 days, but I still don't see the upgrade reflected in my account, and I haven't been able to...
I have reached the Execution - Test phase.
It seems my streaming URL got expired [Error msg 400. Bad Request].
Hene I created a new URL with same user id [BluAge-L3-Workshop-User] but the...
계정 번호: 686255982641
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