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All Content tagged with Networking & Content Delivery
Run any kind of workload with the broadest and deepest set of networking services available
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For example, when I visit my web server qa.asdfg.com, the instance public IP address is, but the final resolved IP is (ec2-18-4-14-23.compute-1.amazonaws.com), (ec2-44.1...
Hi re:Post,
We are going to move our domain to Route 53.
We have one Route 53 hosted zone setup for testing our migration, "trulab.com".
I'm not a network/domain admin but would like to know that i...
We’re using a Selenium-based script that automates LinkedIn job applications, leveraging session cookies for authentication. To avoid IP restrictions, we're considering a proxy service to rotate IP ad...
How DNS name of VPC endpoint resolves to Private IP outside VPC
i'm considering migrating to AWS, but wondering if i can bring my routing setup with me.
i have my own ASN and my own IPv4 and IPv6 ranges. with my current cloud provider i run BGP speakers that anno...
I’m setting up a NAT gateway in my VPC to provide internet access for instances located in a private subnet. Here are the details of my configuration:
Public Subnet CIDR: 19...
![here too](/media/postImages/original/IMkhHMxRGERzeejubA7TmpYw)
aws globalaccelerator make my ping In all servers Bad routing it is not noramll it alwyas connect me through eu first no matter what s...
designed it with the following architecture.
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I created only one Subnet in VPC.
I connected Lambda to that Subnet and set the Endp...
I’m running a three-tier WordPress architecture and serving all images from S3 instead of EC2 to improve performance. I’ve set up NginX to rewrite requests to CloudFront with the following config...
I have a Domain with Godaddy (Trakyworld.com). I have updated its nameservers to AWS NS. DNS Records are OK. A Records shows Domain name Trakyworld.com linked to Static IP . I can Ac...
Dear Team - I have installed UNBOUND DNS server on EC2 instance. VPC CIDR range I have added in forwarder of unbound config file. Then i created new DHCP option set specify...
I have 2 services in ECS, a React frontend service and a Go backend service.
Requests are routed successfully between the frontend and backend using the ALB.
The EC2 instances are currently running in...