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All Content tagged with AWS Management Console Mobile Application
The AWS Console Mobile Application, provided by Amazon Web Services, lets you view and manage a select set of resources to support incident response while on-the-go.
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I am facing issue when I run command on "$DEVICEFARM_TEST_PACKAGE_PATH" path.
test spec file :
[DeviceFarm] npm test
> device-farm@1.0.0 test
> wdio wdio.conf.ts
2024-05-07T06:06:21.629Z WARN ...
published 9 months ago0 votes2.2K views
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I plan to host an app on AWS, with some features:
1, the app and data should be separated due to privacy(app maintenance, such as fixing crashes, is independent of data ).
2, the app will upload...
We use music from prompts in the flows and we received a request from SABAM in Belgium asking if all music is royalty free or not?
I tried to get music from Shazam.
published a year ago0 votes2.4K views
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The web console and the mobile app are experiencing CORS errors in their REQUEST and it doesn't allow me to navigate or view the console header.
This is one ...
I am creating an iOS application in swift where I am writing some data to DynamoDB. I am doing this through a user i have created which has access to DynamoDB and I am accessing my credentials as envi...
Hi, I am Eko.
I need help with how the connection from Cloud Machine AWS to Remote PC [my PC]?
I've researched the setup of Cloud Machine AWS. but only work on Output Audio
still not connected to the ...
I want to enable the notification for mobile phone call alert in AWS. So any job fails, any alert/notification from AWS services (for priority alerts) I want a auto generated phone call to be triggere...