All Content tagged with SAP Migrations
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I have been trying to create an SAP S4 Hana instance using the SAP Launch Wizard. It always fails when trying to create the resource EgressCheckWaitCondition before it starts trying to install the SAP...
The customer wants to keep custom FQDN for DEV & QAS when lifting to AWS, and they need to create certs in strust for access via Fiori. In this case, do we put the custom FQDN or Route 53's FQDN when...
How can SAP BW or BW/4HANA be replaced with AWS Services?
*NOTE:* This is a common question asked by AWS customers. The AWS team is posting it to provide an answer that can benefit everyone.
What SAP products are supported for deployment using AWS Launch Wizard for SAP?
NOTE: This is a common question asked by AWS customers. The AWS team is posting it to provide an answer that can...
Which AWS support plan is needed to run SAP workloads in AWS?
NOTE: This is a common question asked by AWS customers. The AWS team is posting it to provide an answer that can benefit everyone.
How do I configure GP3 for SAP HANA?
NOTE: This is a common question asked by AWS customers. The AWS team is posting it to provide an answer that can benefit everyone.
Can someone help me with the best options to migrate SAP HANA to AWS cloud.
Hello All,
As of now, SCT doesn't support SAP HANA as one of the source databases. Any other way to migrate the SAP HANA database (schemas, views, procedures, function....) to Redshift?
I understand...
Do we have a summary of SAP related updates from re:Invent 2021?
Hi all,
We are currently facing some issues with connecting our on-premises SAP system to AWS via AWS AppFlow. We decided to use the OData interface as described [here in the official AWS...
What is the best AWS native service (besides lift/shift to EC2) that usually maps to the HANA db. And any concerns or areas to look out for in the movement?
I'm trying to use Amazon FSx for SAP on Windows High Availability environment, but run into an issue where I can’t assign a CNAME to Amazon FSx Multi-AZ file system deployment. (CNAME works fine in...