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22 results
Hi, I'm not sure if this is where I can post my question, so I apologize if it's not the right place.
I am tryiing to figure out how I can use the "Stephen" voice for Amazon Polly, in Home Assistant....
I am trying to build a python client to the AWS transcribe streaming service with identifying multiple languages support. However, I could not find parameters "identify_multiple_languages" and "langua...
I have a technical question and would really appreciate your recommendations on improving my setup and reducing costs.
I have a main VPS on NameCheap, which uses Redis for job queuing. Its ma...
I currently have Amazon Connect integrated with Salesforce Service Cloud Voice (SCV) and am looking for help enabling SMS functionality within this setup. The goal is to use a Lambda function to handl...
As the title suggests i'm using Autodesk API (C#) to upload objects in AWS buckets.
For some reason sometimes i obtain the following Exception:
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occ...
I am unable to publish a .net api to Elastic Beanstalk using the "Publish To AWS" right click option in Visual Studio 2022.
After selecting the "Publish to AWS" option, the profile is validated suc...
data source -> web crawler
Regex include pattern -> none
content chunking and parsing -> default
embeddings model -> Embed english v3
vector database -> quick create a new vector store
policies a...
The error is too generic which why I don't know the full reason behind it
I'm trying to create amazon bedrock knowledge bases with web scrapper
just following this tutorial ->
Does AWS development formally use Discord?
I am watching a few boto3 videos from youtube to see how the python script gets authenticated from AWS to run a script.
1. Using **aws configure** to create a profile file, then via the following to g...
From Amazon product Advertising GetItems api i am getting old price of any product. I have attached a response where price is different & the price displaying in the amazon website its different why ?...
Please Is there a way to detect changes in my GitHub repository (set up using CloudFormation) using only AWS services, excluding CodePipeline, and without relying on GitHub services like webho...