All Content tagged with AWS IoT Greengrass
AWS IoT Greengrass is an open-source edge runtime and cloud service for building, deploying, and managing device software.
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I have component B with a hard dependency on component A. I would like component B to be compatible with component A as long as the major for component A is 0 (in semver, MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH). So, as...
After a power failure or if the PC on which Greengrass is installed doesn't shut down properly, I get an error when I start it up again.
The log file says that the...
I am using a private CA that has been registered with IoT core and it is used to sign the device identity key. Have been able to get devices to do Just In Time Provisioning (JITP) using both RSA and...
I want to be notified when the account reaches the **limit** for Dynamic Thing Groups.
Is there like a AWS metric that I could use to set alarm.
It could be a metric for:
* When...
I have a private greengrass component which is essentially wrapper for a docker container. I'm not sure how should I manage it's lifecycle. Component is meant to be deployed on edge device which might...
Hello everyone,
I’m currently using the aws.greengrass.SecureTunneling component, **version 1.0.19**, and I’ve encountered connectivity issues, after several connections its stop working....
As per the documentation I've tried...
When I try to run any port except 'SSH', i get an error from greengrass like below.
How do I specify a specific port with localproxy so that I can remote tunnel this via ...
Is there a greengrass component recipe setting to configure a component to run once when deployed but not run when the greengrass nucleus is restarted? Essentially one-shot functionality.
Let's suppose I have a greengrass component dependent on the docker application manager and I use `docker compose` for container orchestration.
RecipeFormatVersion: '2020-01-25'
Here is my issue.
I recently update a component (Python) to be deployed to my Greengrass core devices. One of the new feature of the component was to log errors to Datadog.
I create a deployment and...
I would like to know if the ECC608 and SIMCOM7600 can be used together. I intend to use a certificate from the ECC608 and have the SIMCOM7600 communicate with AWS IoT Core via MQTT(S), with the board...