All Content tagged with AWS IoT Greengrass
AWS IoT Greengrass is an open-source edge runtime and cloud service for building, deploying, and managing device software.
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838 results
I have a greengrass core device gg_core_device_1 with a custom component that subscribes to topic sensor_data. The component starts up fine and also subscribes to the topic with no errors, but it nev...
I have been able to successfully run the IDT sample test suite but when running the GGV2Q_2.5.4 test suite it fails almost immediately at the pretest stage, reporting back "Reason: only the following ...
I have written applications that uses IPC Pub/Sub and running it as Green Grass custom component in my machine. Part of Development phase, I need to debug my application code, while publishing an...
Is it possible to use, Green Grass Moquette broker (pubic green grass component) for interaction over MQTT between custom components running in the same core device ? ie. Moquette broker and the c...
Hi AWS team,
I am currently running the Greengrass qualification test. But my userdata.json is set PreInstalled to 'no'. From the logs, it seems that IDT installed numpy by itself. The version of num...
Hi AWS team,
I am currently running the Greengrass qualification test. But the TensorFlowLiteImageClassification test item has consistently failed to pass.
My OS is Debian on an aarch64 architecture...
I have a lambda function that I'm running in a Greengrass environment. I'm trying to handle a lambda timeout using 'context.getRemainingTimeInMillis()'. But when it runs I get the error
**Error: Fai...
I have a set of Greengrass Core Devices and for each of them there's one secret stored in AWS Secrets Manager. During the lifecycle of various custom components installed on the certian core device, c...
When we moved from Greengrass v1 to v2 we kept our legacy v1 lambda functions and just updated everything to v2. Since then we've run into some problems here and there with the lambdas. We've had odd ...
Does the Greengrass MQTT broker and IPC library support retained messages for local messages. For example component to component?
Looking at the C++ IOT SDK, I can't find any way to set the retained...
Hi AWS team,
I am currently running the Greengrass qualification process. During IDT testing, a new Greengrass core device is created every time. Is there a way to specify the same core device for ea...
Hi AWS Team,
I am currently running the Greengrass qualification process. In the userdata.json file, the pkcs11ProviderLibrary field refers to the path of the PKCS#11 library installed on the DUT, co...