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All Content tagged with AWS Transfer for SFTP
AWS Transfer for SFTP enables you to easily move your file transfer workloads that use the Secure Shell File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) to AWS without needing to modify your applications or manage any SFTP servers.
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Can workflows be used for Transfer family SFTP Connector? The use case is to monitor external SFTP and get any new files to S3. Please suggest the possibility
What is the best way to transfer files from FTP to an S3 bucket
I am trying to transfer files from a remote FTP server into an S3 bucket.
It is expected that between 100-1000 new files will be uploaded to the FTP server daily, which would mean new files would...
Our customers can upload unencrypted text files or PGP-encrypted text files. I don't see a way right now with Workflows to only PGP-decrypt if the file is a PGP file (i.e. ends in ".pgp" or ".gpg") or...
I'm working with a vendor to pull logs into the AWS Transfer Family SFTP. When running the RSync process, the vendor receives the following error:
> Reason: protocol version mismatch -- is your shell...
published a year ago0 votes935 views
AWS Transfer Family New Feature Launch Announcement
published a year ago0 votes777 views
AWS Transfer Family New Feature Launch Announcement
published a year ago0 votes732 views
AWS Transfer Family New Feature Launch Announcement
Which way is more preferable for uploading files on regular basis from external SFTP-server into my S3 bucket?
Hello Forum;
**Question:** *What are the criteria needed to **upload** files to a Lightsail instance using an ftp program like FileZilla or Notepad++?*
I can connect and download files just fine. Ho...
I just set up a new EC2 machine with amazon-linux-2023 on it.
2. I cloned the connection in WinSCP from a previous server, as it uses the same security group & keys. Username is ec2-user.
3. When I tr...
As subject - Can I migrate an AWS Transfer server between regions?
Failing that, is there any way of exporting or migrating the users and associated SSH keys?