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All Content tagged with AWS Lambda
AWS Lambda is a serverless, event-driven compute service that lets you run code for virtually any type of application or backend service without provisioning or managing servers. You can trigger Lambda from over 200 AWS services and software as a service (SaaS) applications, and only pay for what you use.
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I am unable to access the list_file_transfer_results method for the boto3.client('transfer') object.
After running the following code
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
transfer_client = boto3.client('t...
A simple question ... I've built a bot and successfully hooked to a lambda during building the bot alias:
botAliasLocaleSettings {
en_GB {
codeHookSpecification: {
I have an API running on API Gateway with a Cognito Authorizer and a Lambda as my backend.
The average response time (without cold start) of the API is around 300 - 400ms when I hit it from Postman....
Kinesis is owned by account A (live), Lambda by account B (test).
Consuming stream from a test function in account B works fine. Resource based policy on Kinesis and Lambda role are correct. Setting ...
I have contact flows that handle email conversations using lambda functions(Receiving emails by creating Tasks ), and I can use the Profile Lookup block to retrieve the customer's profile, but it does...
Hi community,
I have a Lambda function (written with Python - boto3 ) that copies S3 objects to another folder in the same bucket - using s3_client.copy_object() . I want to reorganize the files so I...
I would like to use AWS Powertools Parser ZOD in Middy for our SQS queue. However, we are reporting batchItemFailures. As the records enter the lambda one by one and the messageId is also removed from...
We've a system set up for creating IVS stage and enabling users to join the stage but we need to monitor who has joined when at server side, I did find that [list-participant-events ](
Hello AWS Team,
We have a cloudwatch alarm breach on an SQS queue for "NumberOfEmptyReceives" metric greater than the threshold limit which was set to 10. We have 3 SQS queues added as triggers to the...
published 20 days ago0 votes47 views
Upgrading Secrets Manager Lambda rotation functions from Python 3.7 to 3.9 or above may cause different dependency errors when the code is executed. Different methods may help to resolve the problem.
We've migrated from Greengrass v1 to Greengrass v2 (a long running Lambda has been migrated to the corresponding lambdaFunction) and it all works well.
In Greengrass v1, redeploying the Greengrass v1 ...
Here is the error message:
The image manifest or layer media type for the source image is not supported.
I have docker desktop ins...