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All Content tagged with Amazon Chime
A communications service that lets you meet, chat, and place business calls inside and outside your organization, all using a single application
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84 results
how can an external partner contact Amazon Chime support for further assistance?
one of our payment processing partners does use Chime a couple years not. Their users are set up in/with two different groups as the company name of the partner changed a while ago. So, older users ar...
I have been reviewing the Chime Developer Guide and API Reference Guide but haven't found the answer I'm looking for. I have a Chime Voice Connector configured with a SIP media application and...
I'm getting an error verifying my chime accout.
> The email is already associated with a username and password and cannot be verified. Navigate to, sign out and then re-try verific...
I am using AWS Chime SDK to host/record/transcribe video calls. I am using the node packages "amazon-chime-sdk-component-library-react" & ''amazon-chime-sdk-js' for components and functionality. The c...
Is it possible to link Monitron to Chime? A chime group will be created and all technicians working in this site will be added to this chime group and let's say for example, if Monitron sensor detect ...
I am trying to use Amazon Chime in one of my project, for that i have written a Nodejs application to call Chime API - create meeting, but i am getting below error, can you please help,
We have a voice connector with the following work flow (somewhat simplified).
tl;dr We are doing termination only, voice only Chime Voice Recordings
[Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector]
We are using Chime CreateMediaCapturePipeline to capture video/audio frames for every 5 seconds. After that we run CreateMediaConcatenationPipeline to concatenate all the frames into one single video...
I cancelled Amazon Chime but still got billed monthly for Amazon Chime Voice Connector. I verified that in Amazon Chime SDK there is no connector listed. Can anybody guide me to get it fixed or contac...
I was hoping to build a mobile application that has group video call as one of its features and we were hoping to use AWS chime SDK for providing this call service. We want to run some AI moderation s...
I'm using Amazon Chime SDK for JS and have created everything needed to facilitate meetings, including the pipelines to capture and concatenate the media.
I can see the webcams and audio stitche...