All Content tagged with AWS Organizations
AWS Organizations helps you centrally manage and govern your environment as you grow and scale your AWS resources.
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I want to implement SCPs to restrict AWS accounts linked to my AWS Organization from making outbound calls. The outbound calls should only be restricted to a specific set of websites. I need guidance...
Hello everyone.
I need to add several existing AWS accounts to an AWS Organization. I understand that the Free Tier does not apply to each individual account within the Organization. My question is,...
I recently joined a company that already has an AWS organization set up. My direct report is the account manager linked to his email. I'd like to switch roles where my email is linked as the account...
I am reaching out to seek assistance regarding an issue with my AWS account. I am currently unable to perform certain actions in the AWS Management Console due to permission restrictions. The console...
I have an organization with many accounts. Some of these accounts (e.g ACCOUNT_A) contains resources that I would like to backup, those resources should be identified for the backup trough specific...
I would like to create an IAM Policy to allow a user to put tags on Account taht belongs to a specific OU
I tried with this kind of policy without sucess.
Hi, I have a startup where I created an AWS account with my co-founder's email address (yes, we had our domain). That co-founder left last December so we deleted his account. Now we are trying to log...
We have an AWS Organizations org and are addressing findings from SecurityHub.
The most common critical finding is that none of the root users for any of the accounts in the org have hardware MFA...
Greetings, today I wanted to add an alias, but I found that I do not have a parameterized organization. My service is active, I can receive and send emails, as is possible if my settings disappeared...
Dear Team,
We are in the process of planning the migration of accounts from one landing zone account to another Landing Zone and require a comprehensive understanding of the technical procedure and...
- Upon removing accounts, will they stop generating costs?
- If these accounts continue to generate charges after removal, who is responsible for charges?