All Content tagged with Oracle
Amazon RDS for Oracle is a fully managed commercial database that makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale Oracle deployments in the cloud.
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258 results
I need to plan, design and test failover for some RDS oracle production servers running in multi-az environment.
Is there any documents or videos that discuss details for doing that?
Would you us...
We are trying to Replicate data from RDS in one account RDS in other account by Masking PII data. As part of this we are following below approach
Step 1: Replicate data from Source RDS to S3 by maski...
We want to backup and restore Oracle RDS twice a day (incrementally) cross account at the schema and tables level, excluding DMS, Golden Gate, snapshots, and RMAN. What third-party solution is availab...
We are trying to Replicate Data from Oracle RDS to Target oracle RDS by Masking PII data For that we are following below approach:
1. Replicating data from Oracle RDS to 53 bucket by masking PII data...
I am trying to create some alerts for RDS events so I can receive an email via SNS when a failure or backups occur.
I created a topic and then when I try to create an event subscription I get this...
We are trying to do Data transfer by masking PII data from source RDS account to s3 bucket. But we are not able to add new column using add-column, we don't see any specific errors as well. we are abl...
Hi all! I need some guidance on the proper way to connect to an Oracle Free Tier Autonomous Database from a Glue ETL Job. I’ve been using the following code snippet, but I encountered an error - “Conn...
Attempting to lock expired users in AWS Oracle RDS using a created procedure faces an "insufficient privileges" error. The procedure, designed to execute ALTER USER commands, encounters privil...
I am importing the data dump file that I have downloaded from S3.
-----load schema
v_hdnl NUMBER;
v_hdnl := DBMS_DATAPUMP.OPEN(operation => 'IMPORT', job_mode => 'SCHEMA', job_na...