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1157 results
I've created a crawler that responds to SNS Queue messages and crawls some text files in an S3 bucket.
The bucket has sub-folders that the crawler seems to have identified and created a partition...
I have data in the AWS S3 bucket in the format year/month/day/hour/file1.json, file2.json..... file6.json.
In the JSON file, the data are not separated by coma or new line. {"key":"value1"}{"k...
What's the best way to pull EC2 OS/Platform information? Couldn't get it to work with config query, but is there a different way? This would need to work in GovCloud accounts.
Getting this error when try to start an Athena query using Python:
"Error details
TABLE_NOT_FOUND: line 5:11: Table 'awsdatacatalog.athenacurcfn_c_u_r_athena.cur_athena' does not exist
This query ran...
I have been testing the direct write to Iceberg feature in Firehose and I have come to realize that there is a problem with the feature. It does not always work. Let me elaborate:
- I created an IAM p...
[Extracting key insights from Amazon S3 access logs with AWS Glue for Ray](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/extracting-key-insights-from-amazon-s3-access-logs-with-aws-glue-for-ray/) introduces a...
Hi team,
Getting this error while runninng query in athena
com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.AmazonS3Exception: Access Denied (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request I...
I already setup AWS SQLServerLambdaConnector connect with SQL Server on-premise
- I access my sqlserver database on-prem and do some sql queries:
create database antsomi;
use antsomi;
On AWS Athena, query csv data then get error as below even though just `select * from table`
HIVE_BAD_DATA: Error Parsing a column in the table: Cannot convert value of type String to a REAL valu...
- I have MS SQL server running on-prem and I want to take from MS Sql Server somehow get to Athena to query data. When I find data source for MS SQL Server, it needs connection with Lambda.
So after ...
I am new to Athena, and referred [this page](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/connectors-docdb.html) to create Document DB connector.
**Background**: I had to create the lambda manually ...
* Setup like this is done: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/bring-your-workforce-identity-to-amazon-emr-studio-and-athena/
* S3 Access point created
* Bucket Policy to allow access via AP given