All Content tagged with IAM Policies
You manage access in AWS by creating policies and attaching them to IAM identities (users, groups of users, or roles) or AWS resources.
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Hi team,
Getting this error while runninng query in athena Access Denied (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request...
Springboot Java application running in Aws App runner is communicating with SNS(production mode) through VPC Endpoint with help of I am role and policy. SMS published by application reaches SNS but...
A Spring boot Java based application is deployed in APPRUNNER. To enable the SES service for the above application, in I AM service role is created with SES full access policy and in VPC an endpoint...
I am encountering an issue with the AWS SDK v2 for Java when trying to override the endpoint for the IAM Client. Specifically, the SDK is stripping everything after the ‘/’ in the endpoint that I have...
I'm digging into some corners of IAM conditions that I don't use a lot, and I've been testing some sample policies to make sure real-world behavior matches my assumptions.
I've created a role with...
I have a user authenticated by Cognito user-pool, role & identity-pool (using Cognito hosted-ui).
After login, the user comes back to my webapp (frontend), I use the `id_token` (returned by the...
I have an application deployed on on-prem server, is there a way to use only IAM role or policy to access AWS SDk. I dont want to provide or store the secret key and access key anywhere to access it....
I am generating the AWS SSM inventory data (us-east-1) and pushing it to the S3 bucket (us-east-1) in same region and it works. But If I push the SSM inventory data (us-east-1) to S3 bucket...
I am working on an IoT solution in which IoT devices send data to AWS Kinesis streams. Each device is identified by an IoT Thing Name, and we use this name (or its hashed value) as the Kinesis...
I have a codepipeline in us-east-1 region. The codebuild stage is cross-region and is in a vpc(mumbai-vpc). I want this codebuild to access the athena service in us-east-1.
I have a codepipeline in us-east-1 region. The codebuild stage has a vpc to it(us-vpc). I want this codebuild to access the rds instance which is in ap-south-1 which is in mumbai-vpc.
Created a new EKS cluster v 1.29 and everything started failing. The last one week, i'm trying to make this work but things were failing one by one.. Finally made the app running but none of the apps...