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All Content tagged with IAM Policies
You manage access in AWS by creating policies and attaching them to IAM identities (users, groups of users, or roles) or AWS resources.
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1487 results
I am experiencing an "AccessDenied" error when attempting to interact with an OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider in my newly created AWS account and user (with AdministratorAccess policy). The spe...
Is there a way to provide a EventBridge Scheduler schedule the same IAM role used for my compute resources, which includes the permissions to invoke the target, but use conditions so that Scheduler is...
Can anyone help me understand the recent changes taking place for AWS CreateVolume and CreateSnapshot EBS API where we need to make changes in policy permissions.
I've configured my EventBridge Pipe with a source of a DynamoDB stream and a target of an Event Bus. I let the service create the execution role for me and also checked the box for CloudWatch logging...
I’m using AWS identity center, but I need to block the users outside the office ip range.
Is there any options to configure it in IAM identity center?
Are there any specific settings or policies I ne...
I followed the section "IAM policies and resource-based bucket policies", had accountB create policy to access the s3 bucket shared by accountA (used json from same section of url) with properly pr...
My role is "User," and I have full admin access, including full access to the Bucket, but I'm still getting an error.
![Enter image description here](/media/postImages/original/IM_XTtP3ClRceylq-4xG7zm...
Hi Team,
I have added a resource policy to my API Gateway that restricts access to calls made only from a specific account, as well as the account where the API Gateway itself resides (to allow calls...
I created an IP whitelisting policy, but when trying to access CloudShell, I get an error stipulating that it is blocked by an explicit deny when running aws s3 ls or any other commands.
I'm struggling a bit to understand the correct use of IoT Core Policies correctly.
Here's what I found out and what works for my use case:
I registered a "Thing" called 'MyDevice'. I also created a c...
After a year of creating the access policies and their users, there came a day last week when all the users I had created over a period of 5 months disappeared without a trace; only their policies rem...
One of the access key was quarantined few days ago. More accurately, AWSCompromisedKeyQuarantineV2 policy was attached to the access key.
However, I did not get any notice about this and have no clue ...