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All Content tagged with IAM Policies
You manage access in AWS by creating policies and attaching them to IAM identities (users, groups of users, or roles) or AWS resources.
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1487 results
According to the documentation, We cannot select both global and regional services provided by AWS.
Is there a way to supply a specific REST resource such as:
in an API Gateway Lambda authorizer policy that matches the above endpoint (including all values of userId), but ...
We have multiple AWS accounts, each with Cognito and Opensearch Service. One of them is still working, the other two can no longer be accessed after upgrading Opensearch past version 2.9. When trying ...
I am a new user of AWS amplify and I have built a front end with amplify gen 2. This front end would serve as a CMS platform. The platform will have different levels of user permissions and user p...
The principal export.rds.amazonaws.com isn't allowed to assume the IAM role arn:aws:iam::796973484206:role/export-rds-db-s3 or the IAM role arn:aws:iam::796973484206:role/export-rds-db-s3 doesn't exis
Some background:
1.) I have a bucket that contains videos on Amazon S3, being served thru Cloudfront.
2.) I have 3 webservers (localhost, staging.server.com, domain.com).
3.) I have not touched th...
A lambda function in python using an AWS connector to download a file from a remote sftp server into a s3 bucket.
The response from the connector-id in the AWS CLI is (Got the connector-id from a ...
I am trying to create a Iceberg table in the Aws S3 Bucket an append the data incrementally,
Step 1: I could able to create the table for the very first time
Step 2: When I am trying to append the ...
I created, (and re-created) a user with AdministartorAccess permissions according to the [the default IAM Identity Center instruction](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/singlesignon/latest/userguide/quick-s...
I have a use case where I have a Lambda in one central account that calls an external service using an HTTP client specified in the lambda code.
I also have event rules that I wanted placed in all my ...
Hi Team,
I am trying to run restore verify command using S3 url but getting an error, below are the steps and error we are getting :
1) Create S3 bucket and upload backup files.
2) Create IAM policy ...
I'm experiencing persistent issues with EKS permissions for an IAM user who has been added to the system:masters group in the aws-auth ConfigMap but continues to receive forbidden errors...