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All Content tagged with IAM Policies
You manage access in AWS by creating policies and attaching them to IAM identities (users, groups of users, or roles) or AWS resources.
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1487 results
I created a transist gateway flow log with the following IAM role
myaccount:role/aws-service-role/transitgateway.amazonaws.com/AWSServiceRoleForVPCTransitGateway which is predefined, as I do not have ...
As title says, I am trying to export the data directly to another account.
The input to the function is a bit...
hi sir,
I have to use iot core device advisor to get the aws iot core qualification, now I meet many problem, so I'm trying to solve it one by one.
I'm following the [document](https://docs.aws.amaz...
I have the Organization Root account and privileges. I have two or three admins on my team that need the ability to create virtual machines, databases, and networking type services. I, nievely, though...
![Enter image description here](/media/postImages/original/IMB7ZbqBLuRnCmJQbQjnPN2Q)
In the view: Gamelift>Create Build
In the requi...
I can create Bedrock Agent using console, but can't using CLI.
# Details
I tried to execute the following command:
aws bedrock-agent create-agent \
--agent-name test-agent \
I created an Amazon contact center via Salesforce and was the only admin user. While setting it up, I mistakenly changed the profile from admin to agent and lost all access, even though I could n...
How to allow the ImageBuilder Pipeline to download files from S3 Bucket.
I need a way to pull all accounts that my user has access to.
Looking at
It ...
Dear Team AWS,
I accidentally got locked out of a s3 bucket because I paste this bucket policy
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Deny",
"Principal": "*",
I've created an IAM policy using the CLI but I can't find the new policy using the console so I can't attach it to a role.
Any ideas? I'm stumped!
The command to create is:
aws iam create-policy...
I have sagemaker domain configured in vpc only(with endpoints and nat gateway configured) mode in my private subnet it is working fine at present but i want to limit security group permissions and iam...