All Content tagged with AWS Ground Station
AWS Ground Station is a fully managed service that lets you control satellite communications, process data, and scale your operations without having to worry about building or managing your own ground station infrastructure.
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Hi team,
I am reaching out regarding my interest to pursue my studies with PhD research on Ground Station as a Service. I have completed my Postgrad studies in Telecommunication Engineering with fina...
published 9 months ago0 votes1.1K views
Software Defined Radios are an important part of Satellite ground systems within Earth Observation and Satellite Communications. In a typical Radio Frequency system Spectrum Analyzers are heavily used...
I can't subscribe to skill builder individual subscription. I keep getting this page.
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The title pretty much explains the issue. Sites are down in the US. We can access AWS but when we select Asia Pacific (Mumbai) in EC2 we get a timed out notice. Yet when we access it in Asia it is fin...