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All Content tagged with AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
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We have an EC2 windows m6a.xlarge instance with storage of 200GB on which we have hosted our websites using IIS from over a year now which was working all fine until today. Suddenly we noticed that we...
I have this SFTP-SSH action inside Power Automate, where I am trying to connect to Amazon Web Service using those details: -
1. Private key using RSA
2. FingerPrint
3. USerName
4. End...
I was attempting to back up my D drive to an S3 Bucket. However, I encountered an issue with connecting to the bucket. I realised that I needed to install a module. When I ran the command below in Pow...
I'm trying to copy a log file from a Kubernetes pod to my local machine using the following kubectl command in PowerShell:
Copy code
kubectl cp -n uat jeet-342asdc4:C:\app\20240821-remotea...
Hi everyone,
I am in the process of creating AWS AMIs for Windows Server 2022. After configuring the machine, I need to perform a 'shutdown without sysprep' using PowerShell with Launch V2. Although ...
Hi Team,
I am getting an issue to login in docker hub using command line in build spec file in aws code build. Could you please provide the commands so we can execute and login on docker hub on windo...
Hello world!
Is it possible to Enable or Disable Scheduled queries through aws cli (powershell) or python? I know about Query editor v2, but I need to automate this task.
I want to use the Exchange Online PowerShell module within my lambda function
I registered account for user who has right to create vaults, and he can create them when he works via AWS Console. But when I run in my Windows PowerShell console I get the following error:
I am writing a PowerShell script that access the file on ec2 instance using session manager with AWS CLI, calculate checksum of it and retrieve the checksum result.
I can be able to start the...
I'm a newbie with S3 and would like to know step by step how to connect, upload and read file(s) to my S3 Glacier storage via PowerShell? Link
Hi AWS, I am trying to print the IP address of an EC2 instance using a PowerShell script. I am using an IAM user for the same. These are the set of policies attached to my user:
- **AmazonEC2ReadOnlyA...