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All Content tagged with Amazon Interactive Video Service
managed live streaming solution that is quick and easy to set up, and ideal for creating interactive video experiences
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I'm working on integrating Amazon's IVS Player with VideoJS, using React. Following the documentation [here](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ivs/latest/userguide/player-videojs.html).
Ran into the ...
Private channels recently stopped working for me using the IVS Web SDK. I generate my token server side, then call :
const player = IVSPlayer.create()
Struggling with Authenticate on AWS SigV4.
Any Examples to use? I could only see Python GET, POST examples.
Packages found on npm didn't work at all. (aws4)
Can you tell me how to include a preview image to display before the live video starts and then after the live video is over?
I want to embed the video into a website and do the following:
1. Show a...
I integrated the jwplayer with my the IVS player and everything works fine. I push to prod, all good. I can make changes and still good.
I don't touch the project for a couple of days, no code chang...
can we give cdn in amzon ivs a single endpoint for multi platform streaming
1. Created a channel in Amazon IVS.
![Enter image description here](https://repost.aws/media/postImages/original/IMmNlZ17EHRaa8VXsiK23swQ)
2. After accessing the sample [Code Pen](https://codepen....
Hi all!
I'm looking into using the Amazon Interactive Video Service.
**The context:**
I'm making a service for managing some live streams. The live stream creation flow is as follows.
Initially ...
Is there a way to embed metadata for already stored videos in s3 to make it interactive ?
I have tried but since channel is not live i am getting following error :
channel/name is not currently ...
I want to use video stored in S3 bucket to be streamed using IVC.
I am unable to find any approach which can we used to achieve this.
i am using python and in frontend javascript.
I am using `ffmpeg` to push video to rtmp server.
ffmpeg -y -f mp4 -stream_loop -1 -re -i myvideo.mp4
-b:v 3M -vcodec libx264 -r 30.0 -s 1280x72...
why do I have this pending verification when I want to create an ivs channel please ?
PendingVerification: Your account is pending verification. Until the verification process is complete, you may no...