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All Content tagged with AWS Glue
AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it easy to discover, prepare, and combine data for analytics, machine learning, and application development.
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I've been having trouble deploying my stack from a CFN template. This is a fairly large stack used by an internal team at AWS. There are multipe Glue jobs, S3 buckets, and IAM roles defin...
Hi everyone. I realized that when I use update job API, it resets other parameters! as AWS document says "The previous job definition is completely overwritten by this information". So, is there any ...
I want to provide filter for table _test_rw_omuc_baag__test1_app where `Modtime > '2019-01-01 00:00:00'` in glue python script but not sure how to do it. This glue python i am generating from CDK code...
For Cloud Intelligence Dashboards (CID) we're migrating from CUR to CUR 2.0, which the official documentation (https://catalog.workshops.aws/awscid/en-US/dashboards/foundational/cudos-cid-kpi/migrate-...
I'm new to the aws glue tables , i'm trying to read nested json files from s3 location and store the data into tables using crawlers.
Crawler is not identifying the schema of the json, So i did m...
I am trying to write the dataset into csv file using spark 3.3 , Scala 2 in aws glue python code and bydefault its trimming all the String fields. For example, for the below column values :
" Tex...
I can't use the console to edit a Glue trigger which contains certain characters in the name.
The console allows me to create a trigger with special characters in the name, but once created, the trig...
I try to extract from Salesforce Lead, but i need to filter them using lastmodifieddate.
I try to insert:
leads = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options(connection_type="salesforce", connectio...
Further to the [AWS documentation ](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/security-iam-cross-account-glue-catalog-access.html#security-iam-cross-account-glue-catalog-access-additional-s3-permis...
I'm struggling to understand how Glue crawlers decide when to create new tables versus updating existing ones.
My initial assumption was that the naming used in the bucket would be used, but that is...
I work with Amazon Web Services as a data engineer. I have created several Glue jobs that copy data from RDS Aurora MySQL to Amazon Redshift using the Glue catalog, Visual ETL, and ETL Scripts. The pr...
Hi team,
I used a Python script in GLUE to extract data from one of my S3 buckets, transform it, and load it into another bucket. Then, I manually created a table in the data catalog with four partiti...