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All Content tagged with AWS Glue
AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it easy to discover, prepare, and combine data for analytics, machine learning, and application development.
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1848 results
Hi All,
I want to use sagemaker studio to launch a glue interactive session.
Since my sagemaker role does not have IAM permission to create glue interactive session, I need to assume another glue ro...
I've been trying to connect Salesforce to Glue using the new Salesforce connector and I've been getting an error I can't seem to resolve:
Test connection failed due to: InternalServiceExc...
I have a Trino on EMR setup, I need help on accessing Glue tables from the EMR.
Athena can access those tables.
Below is the error message after running trino cli `show tables;` command
Hello, I recently enabled the split cost allocation data feature in my AWS CUR export to utilize the SCAD dashboard on QuickSight. However, I'm having trouble locating the split cost columns in the AW...
I am facing this error when i joining one of my table
in job script. I have 11 joins
if I remove only one join then my job is successful but i apply the join i am seeing this error
"Error Category: ...
Hi, I have a private RDS instance in a private VPC and I want to use a Glue ETL job to extract a table and save it to a private S3 bucket in parquet format.
I’ve successfully connected the job to my ...
Hello, I'm trying to connect from Glue to Mysql, when testing the connection I'm getting the following error:
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized format specifier [d]
ERROR StatusLogger Unrecognized conve...
I have created Job bookmark with bookmark key provided as "Modtime" field. The primary key in the source table are not increasing monotonically. For this reason i used "Modtime" fields as boo...
I'm trying to query Athena using cross-account access from ECS and getting the following error:
> Insufficient permissions to execute the query. User: arn:aws:sts::123456:assumed-role/foo-athena/foo-...
I was trying to upgrade the version of Apache Airflow from 2.2.2 to 2.10.2 but I was getting the error with installing the packages in the requirement.txt file in dbt-redshift , dbt-postgres , dbt-cor...
I am trying to capture lineage from AWS Glue tables and reflect it in AWS Datazone asset lineage for this I am following the official blog https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/amazon-datazone-introdu...
hello, im trying to generate sql with awsdatacatalog(glue external table). in previous post, i got that querying external table directly isn't possible. and also i heard if i want to query those exter...