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All Content tagged with Amazon Mechanical Turk
Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) is a crowdsourcing marketplace that makes it easier for individuals and businesses to outsource their processes and jobs to a distributed workforce who can perform these tasks virtually.
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101 results
I have a custom job with AWS Ground Truth and Mechanical Turk as workforce.
I ask for 3 annotators but some data points get annotated by only 1 annotator, some by only 2 annotators.
Is there a way t...
worker_requirements = [{
'QualificationTypeId': '000000000000000000L0',
'Comparator': 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo',
'IntegerValues': [80],
'RequiredToPreview': True,
count = 0
I'm brand new at coding and I'm using MTurk for a study for school. I'm trying to create a survey link that randomly selects a link from 12 options linked to a Google Form. I have my total...
We are working on a video annotation project that requires us to adapt an existing video annotator VIA written purely in HTML/CSS/Javascript into the MTurk Requester webpage because the existing templ...
I recently created several HITs using the MTurk API via Python. While I confirmed that the HITs were successfully created through the API, I cannot view them in the MTurk dashboard. I came across an o...
I am experiencing significant issues with my MTurk HITs. Several workers have completed the tasks, but the assignments are not being recorded properly. The batch status shows 0% submitted, and workers...
Hey All,
We're currently scoping out a project that is going to involve us using Mechanical Turk for a few months.
The project will consist of us asking MTurk to check a collection of websites twice...
I am running an experiment on Mechanical Turk that has several different lists. The task runs in the browser inside of Mechanical Turk (i.e., I don't direct people to a different webpage). These HITs ...
I am using the Python library Boto3 to create ExternalQuestion hits. The hit is created successfully, but the HITStatus always says unassignable. I think sometimes I receive a submitted hit, but I am ...
How long does it take to get my SLI approved?
I am developing an Amazon Mturk template to record audio from the workers, and I am using the mediaDevices
( navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }).then((stream) =>{),
that sh...