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All Content tagged with Amazon Connect
easy-to-use omnichannel cloud contact center that helps you provide superior customer service at a lower cost
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1028 results
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud USD 149.30
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud USD 27.56
I got these bills.
1. what AWS rervices are related to these fees ?
2. I deleted all my AWS elastic beanstalk appli...
I am currently encountering a variable reading issue following a Customer Profile block in an AWS Connect flow.
Can you help me ?
In an AWS Connect flow, I am using the Customer Profi...
What is the best practice way to collect CSAT in Amazon Connect?
Scenario 1:
I would like to ask the same question, with the same option answers in mulitple channels.
By phone: Hang on after the call...
I'm creating custom views to change the agent desktop when a agent receives an inbound call.
Basically, I have a first custom view so the agent can query for the customer profile based on the custome...
Hi there,
My Amazon connect Instance on Tokyo Region. We have claimed the Malaysian phone number on our Amazon Connect instance and configured it as the Caller ID in the queue's outbound settings. Ho...
Is it possible to display a counter in the agent workspace tab for a 3rd party application? I want to create a voicemail application but I want to display the amount of new voicemails in the tab in th...
We are interested in extracting call data from Amazon Connect on a larger scale (Yearly data). Currently, we generate and download weekly and monthly reports that provide common metrics, both on a dai...
I am using aws connect for on-call support for any production alerts, but when I use Cambodian number, the recipient is not getting any call
I am unable to get 6 digit code after adding phone number. this is my first time using sagemaker. my phone number matches all requirements. i live in UAE. i even tried with 2 different numbers but i a...
I created an Amazon contact center via Salesforce and was the only admin user. While setting it up, I mistakenly changed the profile from admin to agent and lost all access, even though I could n...
Hey Community,
I’m building a Lex bot for an e-commerce store that allows users to:
Select from multiple main menus (e.g., food categories).
Choose items within those menus, along with prices and qu...