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All Content tagged with Amazon Connect
easy-to-use omnichannel cloud contact center that helps you provide superior customer service at a lower cost
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I have contact flows that handle email conversations using lambda functions(Receiving emails by creating Tasks ), and I can use the Profile Lookup block to retrieve the customer's profile, but it does...
I have followed the [instructions](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/connect/latest/adminguide/disposition-codes-sg.html) to successfully show form to agent as soon as the contact disconnects. This form re...
AWS OFFICIALUpdated 22 days ago
Imagine an agent must enter a piece information into a textbox and submit it to DB. Without performing this action the agent shouldn't be able to cancel/close the call with a caller.
How can I impleme...
We have an issue with correct routing calls from AWS to SF.
We need to build routing in SF.
On the Amazon connect side we use lambda to execute omni-flow in SF by API name. It works.
Can I create multiple domains for Amazon Q in one Amazon connect instance?
We are encountering an issue with Amazon Connect where it is no longer possible to dial a phone number followed by an extension, either through Quick Connect or the dial pad. For example, when attempt...
I currently have Amazon Connect integrated with Salesforce Service Cloud Voice (SCV) and am looking for help enabling SMS functionality within this setup. The goal is to use a Lambda function to handl...