All Content tagged with Amazon Simple Storage Service
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service offering industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance.
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I am using AWS S3 as a block storage device to store mty documents.
We were using AccessKey and SecretKey combination from configuration files to connect to S3 and retrieve a document. So far so...
Consider a s3 event notification trigger on bucket called testbucket ( with versioning Disabled) . which sends the message to sqs standard queue called destqueue.
Now if we upload a file name...
Firstly. i created an IAM user with permission `AmazonS3FullAccess`, then created a key with use case Local Code. After that, i copied all access key and secret key to my net core api
AWS OFFICIALUpdated 3 days ago
Hi AWS Community,
I'm seeking advice on an issue I encountered while learning AWS services. Even after I believe I have disconnected all services, I am still seeing charges on my account. I realize...
In my python code running as an AWS Lambda function, I request a presigned URL:
data['url'] = s3Client.generate_presigned_url(
I am trying to perform following steps.
1. Create a bucket
2. Put an object `a_1` (size is 20)
# ./ -S amazon -B r1bn-43452 -b 20 a_1
Using 'amazon' bucket 'r1bn-43452' and user '0'
I am looking for information on how to set up Bi-Directional replication on S3.
Problem description (Python 3.12):
**13-Sept:** Created a new "bucket_1" (AWS console), added a new "file_1" (AWS console), created a presigned URL to get the "file_1" from "bucket_1" (AWS boto3)....
I'm trying to build a 3-tier architecture for WordPress and CloudFront doesn't work, access was denied. In S3, Server-side encryption with Amazon S3...
I have a user who has S3 full access.
This access was granted in the past in the development of the application and has not been reviewed.
Is there any way to track the use of the access key to know...
In iam, when I enter the access keys part, it indicates that a certain key was used recently for s3.
However, when I go to the cloud trail, it doesn't show me where this key accessed, it only shows...