All Content tagged with AWS CodePipeline
AWS CodePipeline is a fully managed continuous delivery service that helps you automate your release pipelines for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates.
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My **first deployment failed** with "UPDATE_FAILED" and "UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED" status, error message: `Error occurred during operation 'Duplicate key ... (attempted merging values...
I've got a CodePipeline + ECS question: we have a pipeline configured to do source --> build --> deploy that uses in the final step an Amazon ECS Deploy action provider.
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I'm trying to pass pipeline-level parameters into codepipeline from a python lambda, but it looks like Boto3 is not recognizing the 'variables' named parameter.
I'd appreciate some help if anyone has...
I want to have a pipeline with source from codecommit repo that will be idle all the time, and start manually from a chosen commit. I want to have a script with cli command that will execute pipeline...
Is it possible to have a CodePipeline CodeBuild action that does not produce artifacts?
It seems like that's the default behaviour, and by default, it will use `**/*` as the artifact, which...
I'm working on a CodePipeline v2, and I'm doing a lot of testing. I'd like to be able to limit the triggering to happen only on PRs _and_ a single specific branch only (the one I am developing...
I'm using CodePipeline, and I have the following stages:
1. Source - fetch source from GitHub
2. Build - builds a Docker image and publishes it to ECR.
3. Test - runs tests
Is it possible to use the...
I am using Blue/Green deployment for ECS service using AWS CodeDeploy, traffic shifted from blue to green, but after the shift, service metrics spiked. We are using step scaling, and the desired task...
I want to create a pipeline in ap-south-1 region.
Source is a codecommit that is in us-east-1 region.I want the pipeline in ap-south-1 to access repo which is in us-east-1.
I know we can...
After deploy stage, I add new stage which will trigger step functions to create ami, update launch template. I noticed that 2 state machines are being executed. One of those state machines will fail...
Currently we have setup a code pipeline where the deployment stage is development,
for deployment we use aws codedeploy,
now i need to introduce staging and production in the deployment, but the...