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All Content tagged with Amazon GameLift
game server hosting solution that deploys, operates, and scales cloud servers for multiplayer games
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published 4 months ago0 votes805 views
Amazon GameLift launches updates to the console experience to now automatically apply your display preferences for tables, saved to your AWS user account, as well as fleet creation workflow to make it...
So my question is as stated, it seem to be two reference sdk and it is different syntax. Which one Should i use when programming server code on UE5.
// Server SDK Reference
So i keep getting this annoying error saying "SERVER_PROCESS_CRASHED -- The server process exited without calling ProcessEnding(). Check your game session log to see why ProcessEnding() was not calle...
I was trying to setup GameLift for my Unreal Engine 5.3 game project. I started from here: [https://aws.amazon.com/gamelift/getting-started/]() and when I navigate to Unreal Engine link there ([https:...
After upgrading to SDK version 5+, my server logs have stopped working.
I used to dump a file using a launch parameter in the Runtime Configuration (-logFile "serverOut.txt") and that worked per...
The code seems to be without any errors within the plugin but still compiling seems to keep failing. There are no changes made to the original UE5 GameLift plugin
0>[1/5] Compile [x64] FGameLiftC...
I am looking for a formal confirmation for the following:
1. There are no precompiled .so files for the SDK.
2. And there is no way to compile the SDK with UE5's current openssl version (1.1.1t)
and ...
published 4 months ago0 votes1.4K views
Launch of Nigeria Local Zone for Amazon GameLift
Hello. I have this matchmaking configuration
"name": "GOF-Matchmaking-6P",
"ruleLanguageVersion": "1.0",
"teams": [{
"name": "Dragons",
"minPlayers": 6,
published 5 months ago1 votes1.1K views
Introducing the settings for making a private connection from a GameLift fleet to a user-managed VPC.
I'm trying to create a fleet with a build I recently uploaded, but fleet setup always stuck at "Downloading" phase.
Is this caused by the build I uploaded?
I want to erase the fleet, but the download...
published 5 months ago0 votes2.2K views
Amazon GameLift launches a new Player Session Lookup dashboard to easily search for player sessions using either a Player ID or Player Session ID or the Game Session ID across all fleets in a region.