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All Content tagged with AWS Support Automation Workflows
Securely and easily diagnose and remediate issues in AWS account.
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94 results
published 2 months ago1 votes242 views
In the event of a security incident or a suspected compromise of an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) User/Role or AWS Identity Center (IDC) user, swift isolation of the affected identity is cr...
published 2 months ago0 votes267 views
In the event of a security incident or suspected compromise involving an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, it is critical to swiftly isolate the affected resource while preserving its ...
published 2 months ago0 votes425 views
In a cybersecurity incident or when faced with a potentially compromised or suspicious Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance, it is crucial to quickly isolate the instance for investigati...
I’ve been working on an AWS Systems Manager runbook and noticed that the AWS Document Designer recommends using aws:executeScript for script execution. I have written the same runbook using bo...
AWS OFFICIALUpdated 4 months ago0 votes1.8K views
This article introduces an example architecture to monitor and automatically analyze AWS Systems Manager managed node issues using an AWS Support Automation Workflow (SAW) runbook.
Facing 2 errors on automation step for L3 workshop. Not sure if these are related.
Step Link - [
AWS OFFICIALUpdated 5 months ago2 votes1.6K views
This article demonstrates how SAW can automate troubleshooting to diagnose common issues in your AWS environment before you contact AWS Support.
I've spun up a new lightsail-wp instance, and am trying to go through the setup workflow.
* It's been assigned a static IP
* The domain registrar is Namesilo
* DNS is managed by Cloudflare
I've tried...
published 8 months ago0 votes2.8K views
Are you looking for ways to exclude few of your non-critical resources from AWS Trusted Advisor (TA) report? Check out the new TA API to programmatically exclude resources!
published 8 months ago0 votes5.2K views
Start using the new Trusted Advisor API to optimize your AWS resources. Trusted Advisor (TA) inspects your AWS environment, and then makes recommendations when opportunities exist to save money, impro...