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All Content tagged with Babelfish
Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL is a new capability for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition that enables Aurora to understand commands from applications written for Microsoft SQL Server.
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21 results
In SQL Server, you can run
```select * from information_schema.table_constraints where constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY'```
However, in Babelfish, the constraint name listed in the output is actually ...
We faced the below error when run query with offset ... rows.. fetch next...
Msg 33557097, Level 16, State 1, Line 57
syntax error at or near "ROWS"
Total execution time: 00:02:42.886
This e...
Customer is receiving these errors while attempting to upgrade their database - this is an in-place upgrade where everything is currently working under version Aurora 13.8 with Babelfish 1.4.0
MSSQL RDS is migrated to Postgres RDS Aurora using Babelfish.
This migrated db works fine with direct endpoint of RDs Aurora Instance.
But fails to recognize Old MSSQL queries , Stored procedures wh...
TL;DR: I'm trying to understand how to change the parameter `babelfishpg_tsql.escape_hatch_rowversion` values to `ignore` for all SQL sessions ran against the TDS port.
I'm using Aurora Po...
Given an application that used to run multiple DB scripts against SQL Server in a single transaction, how can I implement the same when moving the Aurora Postgres?
The challenge is as follows:
Given that Babelfish creates the babelfish_db and the sql server databases are represented as schemas such as dbname_schema when in multi-db mode.
What is the recommendation to perform backup and res...
I am migrating from MS Sqlserver to Postgrasql with Babelfish. I cannot get the update commands in my stored procedures to work. I've used Compass and it passes. I have built the following simple proc...
I have 2 questions
* Does Babelfish for aurora support TLS 1.2 encryption in flight?
* what port does it use for encryption if so 1433? is that port changeable?
Both SCT and Compass can report assessments for SQL Server migrations to Babelfish. Which should I use?
Can I generate a report to assess a migration to Babelfish?
How can I get the equivalent to SET SHOWPLAN_ALL or similar SHOWPLAN options / show query execution plans in Babelfish? How can I optimize queries?