All Content tagged with Session Management
A centralized session management data store provides consistent user experience, better session durability, and high availability.
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I am getting "Access denied" issue with error message "User is not authorized to perform operation on resource and no identity-based policy allows the ssm:startsession action" when i am...
I have read this article:[Stop using JWTs!](
I am new to AWS Cognito and OAuth2. I am currently using passportjs to manage my...
1. So I created one VPC, with public/private subnet.
2. I also created my EC2 instance, link my vpc & public subnet to it.
3. EC2 has public IP and role AmazonSSMRoleForInstancesQuickSetup
3. I...
I am patching my RHEL server using Patch manager but I am getting below error
ClientError: An error occurred (UnrecognizedClientException) when calling the GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstance...
We are trying to utilize the FleetManager SSO functionality to enable SSM to be used as a proxy for a bastion host. The ideal flow would be dev port-forwards with SSM to RDP into the bastion host. I...
I followed this tuto to the letter to connect my Mac Laptop running VSCode to an EC2 (tried both AL2 and Ubuntu) through an AWS SSO-managed SSM session...
I am not able to run the cells . Whenever I start a notebook it fails with the below error
"Session failed to reach READY instead reaching terminal state FAILED.
Current session is in an...
aws ssm start-session \
--target i-123 \
--document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSessionToRemoteHost \
I'm trying to figure out how to RDP to an EC2 instance of a GameLift fleet server (using SDK 5). I'm following this guide:
But i...
Has anyone seen this error when trying to connect to a Windows terminal session which has worked on many Windows EC2s but have now come across this on some others.
The error is
Your session has...
I have a requirement of copying files from private EC2 instance to my local machine. I have port forwarded a EC2 instance to local using below command.
aws ssm start-session \
Given the incoming charges for public IPv4 addresses:
And given that SSM currently only supports IPv4:
> AWS...